We are Cristen and Miguel. We live in Austin, Texas. We like to feed everyone. We also like to spread the word about just how delicious vegan food can be. We do this on Sundays.

Here is how our potluck works:

1. We post the theme, along with any other Sunday dinner updates.
2. You post a comment saying what you plan to bring.
3. Show up Sunday with your own plate, cup, utensils, hang out with nice people and eat good food.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 every week.

If you have doubts about your vegan chef abilities, don't worry. We've provided a list of recipe links, vegan info, and helpful resources to get you started. You can also check out our vegan cooking blog.

If you just happened across this blog and have no idea where to go, send us an e-mail (cristenrene@gmail.com) and we'll give you directions.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

This Week--Sunday, September 30

This week we're having a soup and salad bar.
We're making broccoli cheese soup (vegan version, of course).

Please bring a soup, salad, or salad topping. Please post what you plan to bring, so we have a variety of things. The goal is to make salads that aren't boring like this:

If you're unsure of what to bring, here are some things we absolutely need:
Bunches of spinach
Several heads of lettuce (the good kind, not iceberg)
Lots of nuts
Vegan salad dressing (Annie's Goddess Dressing, which is sold at places like Wheatsville and Central Market is great).
Basalmic Vinegar
Olive Oil

If you'd rather make something, you can find good salad/soup ideas here or here.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

This Week--Sunday, September 23

We're making Tacos this week.

Miguel and I will make beans, rice, corn and flour tortillas.

Bring a taco filling.

yum yum.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

No Potluck this Weekend

We'll be listening to Bob Dylan instead!

See you guys next week.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Another Vegan Potluck in Austin

For anyone who's interested in attending 2 vegan potlucks in one weekend....check it out:


This Week -- Sunday, September 9


We'll supply the potatoes, you bring your favorite topping.